Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
I have had the privilege of serving in Studio B for a while and it has been so amazing for me to watch what God is doing in the lives of each child who walks through the front door. We have been targeting the inner city and reaching out to them over the course of the summer. Many of the kids who have been coming for a couple months are not the same individuals that first came to us; they have had a complete change in their hearts and attitudes.
One girl in particular, has been coming for at least five months and I can testify that she is totally changed. The change takes place as we minister the Word of God to them and teach them what is right and wrong, what Jesus expects of them. Many if not all the kids have received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of other tongues. I love to see their eager, happy little faces each and know that I am making a difference for eternity. I could be helping the next great evangelist sit quietly in his seat! I am so excited to be working in an area where we are seeing lives changed for the glory of God!!