Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
Camp meeting was amazing. Every word that came out of the preachers’ mouths was right from God. The move of the Holy Spirit was so strong and everyone was getting something. Pastors later said that each other were preaching the same message. I found this amazing to God could work so amazing. The Children Church was also in the meetings and a lot of the kids got hit with the power of God. The whole camp meeting was well in due time. The fire of God not only hit the young people but it hit the leaders as well. I was so blessed. There was also the working of the gifts of the spirit.
I was amazed how this is still very alive today and how willing people are to be used by God. There was a call put out on people to tell people about Christ. Not just to tell them about church but to bring them. Not just to run and tell someone and go away but to really show it to Christ that there is something more than just sitting in a church service. The fire of God showed up and moved mightily. The messages were so good talking about how we need to get closer to God and it talked to my heart. It was so powerful. I myself got wrecked by God.
He really opened my eyes to things. He loves so much and wants to poor out his love on everyone. He showed, I believe, everyone so much and how he loves us all. It was a might move of God. It was a light touch of God. A lot of people I know got hit and things torn off of them by God. The people that came to speak challenged the church to wake up and run with all we had to Christ.