Category Archives: Rodney Howard Browne

Susan Parks Testimonials

What an amazing day. It was a lot of fun. I was impressed by two things.
My husband and I are in the Food Ministry every Sunday so we get to see the regular people come through. This Sunday, we were blessed to see many new faces. Many of the new people were from Plant City. We’re reaching past our immediate vicinity and touching more people for Christ. We are sowing into peoples’ lives. In a way, it’s sad because so many people need help, but on the other hand, this is a ministry and we have the ability to give assistance. Some of our men were talking to the people, teaching them to sow an item of food into their neighbors’ lives. That is really awesome. Our church is showing people how to take what they have and sow even when there’s little to give. We are showing people the Biblical way to move away from lack.

The other thing was how many people from church were helping. We all were wearing orange or yellow safety vests so we could tell who were the volunteers. When I looked across the parking lot, it was like watching ants. Everyone was so busy with toy distribution, food ministry, bus ministry, hot dog sales, music, etc. The really great thing was everyone was smiling and friendly. It was warm and hectic, but we were having so much fun blessing people. If I was a first time visitor watching the members, I would definitely want to come back and visit again or even become a member because of the love that people show.

People’s Hearts are Touched by God

Watch how God touches people’s lives.

As a student at RBI, I have learned the value of soul winning. It is the very heart of God put into action. We are taught as young children that God is love, yet many times we have an understanding of what that means, but not the wisdom to put that into action. Soul winning is putting that love into action, reconciling those who have not experienced that love to a place that allows them to experience the loving embrace of Daddy. Sunday, December 13th, 2009 was no different from any other Sunday except that the method of reconciliation was different.

We have several buses that go into the community and pick up people who would not otherwise go to church for any number of reasons. It was the first time that I helped out with the bus ministry and I was not necessarily expecting anything to happen. Watching people get on the bus because they were following a routine was normal to see. Kids got on the bus wanting toys, adults got on the bus because they were getting food, and teens got on the bus because their parents made them come. The bus ride home was the difference. Toys given to children were a major part of the excitement, but it was amazing to see every single hand on the bus go up when asked, “Who has Jesus in their heart?” Children were quicker to respond than the adults.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me…” and that is what happened on Sunday. Children came to the church and were received with the loving arms. We are the body of Christ and on Sunday, lives were transformed by the loving arms of Jesus Christ through us. I thank God that I was able to be a part of ministering the love of God to people door to door and then seeing the fruit of that labor. I saw the love of God on every face during that bus ride home.

We write it up

Nothing brings greater joy to my heart then to see smiles on children’s faces. And there was plenty of that on Sunday at the River Church during the Operation Raven Christmas Outreach. I am fortunate to help coordinate the bus ministry every Sunday and that means I was heavily involved with all of the planning and preparation that went into this event.

Sunday morning was grand as people from the community filled our buses in great anticipation of the days activities. I helped stack, count and prepare the toys for the giveaway so I knew first -hand what the children had in store. During service Bus Captains and their team pulled toys to make ready for those children that were on their bus. As the children approached their bus after service you could see their faces light up as the toys were handed out. Little girls were handed dolls, stuffed animals, Barbie’s and dress up kits little boys received toy trucks, fire engines, cars and balls. Our Bus Captains made sure not one child was disappointed with the toy they received. Everything we do in the bus ministry revolves around the people we serve and we serve them with gladness. I know for a fact that every person that boards one of our buses on Sunday feels welcome, valued and loved.

I am so blessed to be part of a ministry that pours so much into the local community and the world. Pastor Rodney is burdened with the eternal condition of those we serve and in turn I am burdened. In over 20 years of serving the Lord I have never labored so much to see the hearts of man made ready for Christ’s return. Before coming to The River I was not a candidate to receive the soul-winners crown in heaven but not anymore. In less than 2 years I have lead 100’s of people to the Lord and if God keeps track of assists like the Major League Baseball (and I believe he does), then I have 1000’s upon 1000’s held in my account.

What i witnessed Sunday and past Sunday

I work in the children’s church and have been since school started. I am so amazed and in wondrous awe at how open the kids esp. the kids that come on the bus are towards Jesus and love and the Holy Spirit. We love on these kids and teach them the Word of God and when they saw those toys they were ecstatic! Some kids this is the only place where they are shown love. They come from broken homes with no fathers, our ministry is mainly to the children but the parents ARE ministered too by the awesome bus ministry. I thank God that I’m blessed to work with these kids and see their fruit. A lot of them don’t know Jesus but I have witnessed almost all of them come to the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit. They are very hungry for the things of God.

I have also done phone ministry and talking to the people who ride the bus is a joy. They are changing and their lives are. I see the Book of acts ministry being done in full swing at the Children’s Church. The kids were extremely happy to receive toys on Sunday as some come from very poor families in the projects and this may be their only toy for Christmas. We teach them the true meaning of Christmas, which does not include Santa Claus and Rudolph or the Christmas elves. Jesus is the reason for the season we teach under the watchful eye of Pastor Dawn, Pastor Adonica’s mother.

We always have an altar call every Sunday and last Sunday was no different. Over 100 kids came to the altar call and gave their lives to the Lord. This was awesome to see!
Our praise and worship is an intimate experience for the kids and staff as well. The Holy Spirit falls on everyone.

Wynn Jason Testimonials

A few weeks ago The River of Tampa Bay began planning a Spanish Christmas outreach. Many details were discussed and many man hours were put in to prepare for such a large event. So, after many hours of prayer and preparation the day finally came.

The first thing I saw when making the corner into the church property was a parking lot about a quarter of the way full with the cars of the many volunteers who were there about an hour and half before service. Also we had eight charter buses parked out in front of the church getting ready to make there rounds .This was expecting I knew that was going to be a big day for Jesus and we would get to be a part of it.

This was to be an amazing experience .To see so many of Gods people work together for one purpose, SOULS, was so encouraging. I believe that it was a life changing day for the 1335 people in attendance. We saw over 300 River members serve in the ministry of helps. With 345 people answering the altar call. To be apart of something that has such an impact on eternity was a huge honor for us all.

Pastor Rodney closed the service, but the day was not over. Pastor Eric then made the announcement that it time for us to give away the toys and the boxes of food; After the church emptied into the parking lot, many children were blessed with toys that were given to them in the name of Jesus. To actually get to physically show these children the goodness of God is awesome. But not only were the children blessed; the adults were given food that should last them about a week, which means we were able to feed them spiritually and physically. This is what people need to hear and see how much God loves them. We are so thankful that God is using us for His plan and purpose.

Xan-Jevan H Testimonials

Sunday the 13th was a great and impacting day to the Tampa Bay community. First off i’d like to say it is an honor to be under Pastor Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne and what a blessing they have been over the years. Well my name is Xan-Jevan and I am a R.S.W (River School of Worship) student at the River at Tampa Bay. I run camera’s every Sunday morning, especially last Sunday I ran the “boom” camera. What a blessing it is to be able to capture those images for the people around the world to see and how packed it is in the church. Not only that but the altars as well, Pastor Rodney and Adonica have been blessing this community for almost 13 years now and to see how involved we are to see lives changed for the kingdom of God.

There is absolutely no substitute to see some ones life impacted by God. I was helping after the service directing people to lines for the children to get their Christmas presents, and to me its like they are just toys but I remembered how important getting a present for Christmas or even a birthday can impact your life. On my thirteenth birthday, I remember that my family couldn’t afford to get me anything and how much that even impacted me when I was little. So giving these children a present for Christmas is truly life altering. I just want to say that what Pastors Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne are doing in Tampa Florida is impacting the nations one person at a time and that its not just them but also the congregation right by their side to help out every step of the way. We are a church that gets out there and wins souls! Actually, I’d like to share a testimony of how much we do impact the community. One day after school I was offered to help move stuff for this lady on one of the bus routes. And she had a lot of stuff to be moved I m just going to tell you now. But I did my best to move as much as possible.

But I didn’t even see how happy she was that we came and helped out. And I saw her that Sunday and she was all in her dress clothes all nice and she gave me the biggest hug and thanked me so much. And it really felt great to put my time and effort into helping my community. So that’s all I have to say and I can’t wait for the television network to get on the road.

Estefani Aragon Testimonials

I am a first year bible college student, and I just want to say that I feel extremely privileged to be here in school (RBI), and to be a part of the River Church. I see how this church feeds people spiritually and also physically as well. There’s a food ministry at the church that provides people that are in need, with food. But the main thing I love about this church is the fact that it goes after souls. I have never seen or heard of another church that goes out to win souls, (evangelize) as much as this church. It feels great to be a part of Pastor Rodney’s ministry that does outreaches out to the city. And it’s not just once every two or three months, or whenever they feel like it, but it’s every week, every day, there’s always a group going out to soul win. Just last Sunday, December 13, 2009, there was a special outreach service in the River Church that was just amazing.

I was in the nursery serving, and we were expecting a lot of 1-2 year old babies that were going to come that morning because the church was giving out toys for children for Christmas and food to everyone, and many people and babies came. I was in charge to take care of four babies that I got the privilege to tell them about Jesus and to pray with them. It was just wonderful to see the little babies accepting Jesus in their heart. And just to show them love. There was this little 1 year old boy who at first was crying and screaming at the top of his lungs when his parents dropped him off, because he wasn’t use to being away from his mom, but a little after he got use to being there and started playing. While the kids were playing and some were crying and yelling, I was thinking to myself, “Oh my goodness this is hard!” But at the same time, I could see outside through the windows everything that was going on.

There was a radio station van outside, people from the church getting the area ready where they were going to give out toys, and the other area where they were going to give out the food, and then I realized that maybe it was a little tough to be with the babies, but that it was worth it because that’s where I put my time to serve, and everyone had their place to be. And we all came together as a team and with God’s help, made it all happen and gave out the toys and the food.

Erica Jones Testimonials

This past Sunday at the River, I helped in the 3-4 year old class. I was one of the three group leaders for the over 70 children who attended. There were children from all backgrounds, many didn’t even speak English, but it was so awesome to see the anointing of God flow through them regardless. We kept them all together at first and had worship. Many of the kids who were nervous or unreceptive at first became alive after a few songs. When we split them into groups I had close to 25 kids. The lesson we did was to explain that the real reason for the season was, is, and forever will be Jesus! The children were excited to participate, but also very attentive.

They sat and listened which is usually a challenge, especially with that many kids functioning in one room. After the main lesson I shared a very simple salvation message with the kids and asked them who wanted to have Jesus in their hearts. The gospel is so simple that even three year olds know that it’s something good and they want to be a part of it. We went on to do some other crafts and things, but the focus of everything was Jesus being the true meaning of Christmas, not trees, or Santa Claus. We didn’t even have to bring those things up. Once you shine with the truth the darkness and fake have no place. At the end of the day we got all of the kids and their belongings together. We talked about what we had learned and reminded them that some of them said that they wanted to have Jesus in their hearts. We said a simple prayer with everyone and as a result 54 gave their little hearts to Jesus. Hallelujah!

Erica Elwell Testimonials

I have been to many of Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne’s services on Sunday and it is always a pleasure to serve in the “ministry of helps” and lift up the hands of the men and women of God.
On this particular Sunday, it was different

On this Sunday, we had MANY visitors come in with LOTS of children. We were giving away toys to the children. My husband was volunteering as an usher and I was helping the children register for their toy give away. It was really great to be a part of this because I got to see them before the service then, I volunteered in toy distribution after the service. So I got to see these peoples faces before and after. I noticed allot the kids being timid and scared and some seemed excited when they came up to register. Some of the parents seemed a little confused and some were eager to get in the service. It was so awesome to be able to make them feel welcome and see the change in their faces. This change in their faces was especially noticeable after the service when I was in toy distribution volunteering. You could just see that their spirits were fed and they would also leave with a toy….so amazing.
One lady I spoke with had actually been quite grumpy and towards the middle of the service her whole countenance changed! One little girl had been really timid when she registered and then, after the service, she was like a new little girl!

On top of doing all this, The River church had a food ministry. They gave away food to people who needed it. Now they would not only be spiritually fed, they would be physically fed! The service was so anointed. There was something like 350 decisions for Christ! One of the salvations being someone we had invited to the church. What an anointed service and helps ministry. I would recommend this church to anyone and I do!


rodney howard browne

Thoughts on Stewardship Lessons from Genesis

Blessed to be a Blessing
Foundation Scriptures: Genesis 12 verses 1-3 and Genesis 13 verses 1-2

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 
Genesis 12:1-3 NKJV

Then Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, to the South. 2 Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. Genesis 13:1-2 NKJV

1. In order for God to bless Abram, He had to take him out of where he was and He also had to take where he was out of him! God had a great plan for Abram and his descendants and in order to fulfill this plan, God had to take Abram out from his current surroundings. Sometimes we are limited by our circumstances and by the people around us. We are stuck in the same old rut and we need to be shaken up and our eyes opened to all the possibilities that are available to us in the Lord. If we want to walk in the blessings of God, we may have to make some defining choices. We will need to leave the influence and company of those who are negative and destructive and who are leading us away from the plans and purposes God has for us, and press into God for His will for our lives.   

God separated Abram from his kinsmen and their gods so that Abram could come to know the true God and serve Him alone. God had a plan to bless Abram and to make him a great blessing to ALL the families of the earth! 

2. God’s promises to Abram:

a. I will make you a great nation.

b. I will bless you.

c. I will make your name great.

d. You will be a blessing.

3. God will bring you out in order to bring you in—He will bless you to be a blessing:

a. You were born to be blessed.

b. You were born to be a blessing.

c. You cannot be a blessing if you are not blessed.

d. There is MORE than enough blessing to go around so that EVERYONE can be blessed.

Pastor Adonica’s Thoughts:

The Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills—He has more than enough provision for everyone on the earth—He has more than enough for you. You need to change the way you think and believe so that you can start to see yourself as God sees you. In Psalms 21:6, David says that God made him (David) to be blessed and a blessing forever and that applies to all those who love and obey God. Begin to expect God’s blessing in your life. Thank God for His blessings—rejoice and praise Him for them. SEE yourself as a blessing. BE a blessing wherever you are every day. Don’t wait until you have what you think you need to be a blessing. Just do what you can and give what you have right now. Be a blessing to everyone who crosses your path. Watch the Lord transform your life!

Pastor Rodney’s Thoughts:

I purposed in my heart many years ago that I wanted my life to count for eternity and that I wanted to be a blessing. I was blessed with godly parents and I had been raised in a godly home, so I had a good foundation in my life that ought to have brought blessings to me. However, I knew that God was calling me out and that I had to move to obey the call of God. God called me to America even as a young boy. I knew that I would go to America and that all I needed was God’s perfect time and the open door. I had to get up from where I was, take my family—my wife and three children—and travel to the United States of America and obey heaven’s call to be a missionary. Adonica and I climbed aboard the 747, with our three children and $300 cash, and when we landed in America in December of 1987 we had an excitement and an expectation in our heart. We knew that the Lord had promised not only to bless us, as we obeyed Him, but also to make us a blessing unto many!

God blessed Abram and he paid tithes to Melchizedek. Abram was a generous person. Look at how kind he was to Lot. Remember, that the Word of God declares that if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19). You were born to be a blessing and you were born to be blessed! God has blessings for you that cannot be contained, and it all begins with a seed.  We purposed in our hearts to give our way into God’s blessings, and it worked! Open your heart as you sow seed today.

Confession and prayer:

I was born to be a blessing and I was born to be blessed! Father, teach me your ways and I promise you I will be a giver and be a blessing to the world.